Reconsideration After Refusal – WRIT

Having your Canadian visa application denied can be disheartening and frustrating. However, it’s crucial to understand that a refusal does not mean your chances of visiting Canada are permanently dashed. There are specific measures you can undertake to address a visa refusal.

Although facing a visa denial is tough, remember that you might still have viable options to overturn this decision. By analyzing the refusal reasons carefully and consulting with a skilled immigration lawyer from Montrela, you can get expert advice on how to proceed effectively. This guidance can significantly enhance your prospects for a successful visa application and help you fulfill your travel aspirations to Canada.

Eligibility for the WRIT process:

One legal avenue available is reconsideration, where you can ask a visa officer to reevaluate a previously refused immigration application. This could relate to temporary statuses such as visitor visas, study permits, work permits, or even permanent residency applications.

Consider requesting a reconsideration if you believe there was an error in the original decision-making process, and you can support your case with a strong argument and relevant documentation.

For example, suppose you received a refusal letter because you didn’t maintain full-time student status due to having to switch to part-time for a semester because of medical reasons.

Or, perhaps you received a rejection eight months after submitting your permanent residency application and after receiving your Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR), with the reason provided being that the officer was not convinced that your skilled work experience matched the primary duties listed under your National Occupational Classification (NOC).

If you believe legal guidance could help, consider applying for an ATIP (Access to Information and Privacy) Report or seeking immigration assistance. Contact us for more information.

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